Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic and Practical Skills 1440 Module
Accounts and Economics 1116 Module
Agri-Food Policy and Legislation 2380 Module
Agriscience 1125 Module
Agronomy 2373 Module
Applied Animal Science 1441 Module
Applied Plant Science 1442 Module
Commodities Marketing and Data handling 2341 Module
Farm Business Management 1120 Module
Farm Business Planning and Operation 2342 Module
General Agriculture 1121 Module
Land, Property and Woodland Management 2343 Module
Livestock Husbandry Systems 2375 Module
Mechanisation and Buildings 1123 Module
Work-based Learning 2131 Module

Lists linked to FdSc Agriculture and Farm Management

Title Sort by title Academic year Last updated Sort by last updated
Introductory list for Agriculture undergraduate programmes Permanent Lists 29/10/2024 11:31:17